Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 16-19 Dec 2022

KPLO ‘Danuri’ Begins Lunar Orbit Insertion Process, Joining Capstone, Artemis 1 CubeSats, Chandrayaan-2, ARTEMIS-P1 / P2, LRO

Cislunar spacecraft are now joined by 678-kg wet / 418-kg dry Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter Danuri following first orbital insertion burn and near 100-km perilune 16 Dec at ~17:53 UTC (17 Dec 02:52 KST); 4 lunar orbit insertion maneuvers over the next 12 days are to deliver Danuri to a 100 x 100km polar (90°) inclination orbit where it will circle Luna 12x per Earth-day utilizing 6 science payloads including ASU ShadowCam for nominal 1-year on-orbit mission duration; 35-m Korea Deep Space Antenna in Yeoju, S. Korea providing tracking and comms

Credits: KARI